[ our services ]

What we do and how we roll

Prefabricated timber houses

We design, produce and assemble prefabricated timber element solutions for private, dwelling and summer houses. Offsite construction technology covers bearing and non-bearing walls, ceiling and floor elements, roof and terrace elements and all bearing supporting details.

Prefabricated modular houses

We offer the modular building system for student homes, private and summer houses. All framing , roofing, communications and furnishing will take place in factory conditions. This kind of building technology is effective, with higher quality and perspective for customers, who value the offsite construction method advantages.

Pre-cut houses

We offer solutions for traditional on-site construction. Our package includes pre-cut timber framing, windows, external, internal finishing and roofing materials. Pre-cut house details, made exactly according to the customer's design, will offer flexibility and save construction and logistics time due to delivery from one place.


Summer house, private office workplace or relaxing cabin in the backyard. We offer modern architecture and building solutions for 25-30 m2 Hattefallhus. Whether the client prefers element, modular or pre-cut, the factory package for Hattefallhus saves construction and logistics time.